Pharmacist Resume Help to Optimize Space

Pharmacist Resume Help to Optimize Space

Your potential employer wants to know as quickly as possible “Are you the right pharmacist for the job?”
After an 8 sec glance, your pharmacist resume needs to say “YES!”

Should My Pharmacist Resume Be One Page or Two?

With savvy applicant tracking software systems and the growing popularity of infographic resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and resume websites, there are plenty of things to consider to determine the best resume strategy for your next job opportunity.  Resume length is one of them. Whether your resume will be used primarily for networking or applying online, before your resume heads into page 2, ask yourself:

1) Does page 2 contain RELEVANT information for the specific job you seek?
2) Is the second page at least ¾ full?

If the answer is no to either of these, then re-evaluate.

How To Get Your Pharmacy Resume Down to One Page

Present RELEVANT Information Early – This can be achieved by getting key qualifications above the fold. This is the area of any computer screen where the info is immediately viewable– before you are forced to scroll down in the document. Make sure the content seen here gives them a desire to scroll and read more.

Often it’s believed, the more job info the better. But actually, it’s the more relevant the better. To take it even further, the more recent and relevant the better.

Giving too much information is easy to do, especially for experienced pharmacists. Often it’s believed, the more job info the better. But actually, it’s the more relevant the better… To take it even further, the more recent and relevant the better–a key parameter that most applicant tracking software systems and human readers look for. The average employer is only interested in work experiences within the last 10 years. So think “What have you done lately?” and build from there.

Use Your LinkedIn profile to Extend Your Resume – If older experiences are extremely relevant there are strategic ways to present that information in the resume but putting including them in a complete and optimized LinkedIn Profile is a wonderful and easy solution for those with a more extensive background. With a header link, a potential employer can be directed to the profile to learn more about you.

For pharmacists, relevant also relates to your professional skills, certifications, and competencies. Make sure that you are keeping abreast of healthcare trends and the changing landscape of professional expectations and clinical guideline. You may be doing just that but we often forget to reflect that in our resume.

Avoid Repeating Yourself by Focusing on Accomplishments – I’ve had several clients present their resumes to me with the exact same job description, word for word, on each of their past positions. This same space is prime real estate for more compelling content. If you’ve had several positions in the same arena, be creative and focus unique aspects of past positions and your unique accomplishments. We’re all pharmacists and there are a lot of us, so focus on those projects, initiatives, and positive patient outcomes that set you apart.

Just remember too much content can negatively affect applicant tracking software’s scoring of your resume,  so it’s important to pay attention. Need assistance developing impactful resume content from your previous job experiences, get help today. 

About the Author

Denise R. Hemphill, PharmD, CCM, NCRW, CPRW, CIC, CCTC is the founder of Confident Career Moves®. She is an Executive Resume, CV, & Social Profile Writer designing dynamic self-marketing tools. As a pharmacist and career manager equipped with 5 prominent career industry certifications, she helps pharmacists nationwide reach their career goals. Connect on LinkedIn

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