As a boutique-style career services firm, we work with each client individually. We capture your career history, job search goals, and accomplishments to establish your personal brand and execute the best resume strategy.



While you collect requested data, we simultaneously conduct extensive research of regional and national positions in line with your goals to capture the most current keywords.

In addition, key skills for your profession are identified using reputable career resources. The keywords and attributes that best describe you are strategically placed throughout your resume to give you a leading edge. 

We showcase your contributions and value while summarizing your work history in a fashion that is ATS friendly but also helps you stand out when networking and with recruiters. Therefore, it can take up to 12 business days to complete the best possible version of your accomplishments.



We email the final draft document to you for approval. You’ll then have up to 5 days to respond with corrections. After that, we will incorporate any necessary changes, then send a revised final document. Final versions of your resume are sent to you in MS Word and PDF Format. ASCII formats are available for a nominal fee.