Which One Should You Have? A Pharmacist CV or Resume?
To remain competitive, you’ll need to lay a good foundation for both your pharmacist CV and pharmacist resume.
(Updated May 2020) What is a resume? Resumes have changed tremendously in the last 5 to 10 years. It is no longer a mundane listing of job duties. A resume is a self-marketing tool that conveys what you can offer a prospective employer. A resume must quickly answer the golden question, “Can you benefit the organization and do the job they need to have done?”
What is a CV? While a resume is normally limited to 1- 2 pages, a CV is usually multiple pages in length especially as one advances in their career. The word curriculum vitae is derived from the Latin meaning “course of one’s life.” Do you really need to tell your whole life story? Not exactly.
I recently completed a CV for an accomplished medical professor, and the CV was 25 pages long. This length was appropriate for his tenure aspirations. However, your pharmacist CV will not be that long. But it should still provide a fairly detailed account of your educational and professional accomplishments.
“In addition to the basic sections of a resume, a CV includes research, teaching experience, publications, grants and fellowships, professional associations, licenses, awards, and other information relevant to the position for which you are applying.”
Anticipate providing a Pharmacist CV if the position involves research, teaching/academia, clinical specialist duties, or if one is requested in the job ad or by the employer
Pharmacist CV Basics
For Pharmacists, typically positions that are clinical or research-based will require a CV. But as many health-systems move toward integrated Clinical Staff Pharmacist positions, who knows what may be required in the future. Just this week I was contacted by a hospital pharmacist in need of a resume, CV, and Letter of Interest to apply for an internal position in their new Specialty Pharmacy.
CVs for entry-level pharmacy grads will focus heavily on educational experiences. Employers will then be able to see how well they would fit into their organization.
For experienced pharmacists, a CV should focus on professional accomplishments. You do have the option to include pharmacy educational experiences. The above mentioned medical professor had a 25-page CV WITHOUT an extensive accounting of educational experiences. Only his degree and institutions were listed. Each person’s “life history” is unique. Thus, one must use the best strategy for the job or position pursued.
The day a new opportunity becomes available, is not the best time to start your pharmacist CV updates. As most schools of pharmacy have instilled in us, your CV should constantly be updated for a good running record of your career details. Eight to ten years from now will you remember the name of your preceptor at your first pharmacy school rotation? No. So get it down now.
So which one do you need? A Pharmacist CV or Pharmacist Resume? Truthfully, the answer is both! Create a CV that captures all career details. Relevant details from your CV should then be used as the starting framework for an effective resume marketing your key qualifications for your new job prospect. Need help with your career document strategy? I can help.
~ Last updated September 2016
About the Author
Denise R. Hemphill, PharmD, CCM, NCRW, CPRW, CIC, CCTC is the founder of Confident Career Moves®. She is an Executive Resume, CV, & Social Profile Writer designing dynamic self-marketing tools. As a pharmacist and career manager equipped with 5 prominent career industry certifications, she helps pharmacists nationwide reach their career goals. Connect on LinkedIn
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