Networking for Pharmacist Job? Cast a Wide Net

Networking for Pharmacist Job? Cawhent a Wide Net

pharmacist jobWhen building your pharmacist job network, cast the net wide, you never know where your next lead will come from.

Looking for your next pharmawhency job? Glancing at job boards and feeds? That’s great a way to get an idea of what pharmacy jobs are being offered and the requirements for your specific pharmacy sector. But if you didn’t know, there are plenty of opportunities that haven’t made it to that list–and you’ll want to tap into it them. Networking can be a way to identify unadvertised job opportunities — accessing the “hidden job market.” (The “hidden job market” refers to jobs that are not advertised publicly. These positions may be filled through employee referrals, recruiters, or direct contact with hiring managers through networking.)

According to a survey by Right Management, person-to-person networking is the single most effective way to find a new job. Research consistently identifies networking as an important job search tool — anywhere from 40-80% of job placements are attributed to networking. For introverts, the very word “networking” can get the pulse racing. Good news, today there are many ways to network. But, as a pharmacist, you may be asking:

  • What does networking, really mean?
  • What’s the benefit for me?
  • How do I get started?

Networking is a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest.

My first networking experience as a pharmacist was a few years into my career. By this time, I had discovered the wonderful world of massage therapy to keep my stress levels as a pharmacist down. With regular therapy, one tends to migrate to the same therapist.

During one session I was whining away about my current job frustrations, when my therapist of many years finally chimed in and said, “You know I have a client who is a Pharmacy Director and he is under pressure right now. He’s so stressed he does not even want the music, only silence. They need help there, and I think you all should talk.”

After she had confirmed that he agreed, I followed up on the lead. He also ended up being a former classmate, and eventually my new boss. It was one of the best positions I EVER had! Loved it so! Sad to leave it when I eventually relocated.

Notice my success came down to that one mutual point of contact, the massage therapist. Just like your favorite hairdresser, as you see them, and share your stories of ups and downs you develop a rapport.  Now think about it, you’re probably not their only pharmacist client.


 How Do You Jump Start Your Network?

 Identify Who’s In It

STEP 1: Make a list of ALL of your contacts


STEP 2: Then expand that list.

Focus on obvious connections first– any pharmacist, preceptor, faculty member, and pharmacist classmates. Past employers, vendors, customers, colleagues, and competitors. Here are some other ideas of people to add to your network.



  • Current co-workers
  • Previous co-workers
  • Previous managers
  • Consultants
  • Vendors and suppliers
  • Retirees
  • Seminar, conference, and workshop attendees
  • Business owners
  • Competitors
  • Clients/customers
  • Venture capitalists
  • Members of industry associations
  • Contacts you make at conventions and job fairs


  • Friends
  • Relatives
  • Parents of children’s friends
  • Parents of your friends
  • Relatives of friends
  • Club members (country club, swim club, sports club)
  • Associations
  • Military service personnel
  • Sorority/fraternity
  • Cousins
  • Neighbors
  • Sports team members


  • Accountants
  • Doctors
  • Real estate brokers
  • Financial advisors and bankers
  • Attorneys
  • Dentists
  • Mortgage bankers/brokers
  • Insurance agents
  • Travel agents


  • Elementary, middle, and high school friends and teachers
  • College classmates and friends
  • Alumni association contacts
  • Graduate school classmates
  • Other alumni of your schools
  • University career-placement staff
  • Former professors and advisors


  • Civic and political leaders
  • Librarians
  • Clergy/ministers
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Community groups (Kiwanis, Rotary, Scouts)
  • People you meet while volunteering
  • Health club members

You may not cover this entire list, but it will help you think outside the box. Just keep sight of your goal of getting your name and information to key decision makers and hiring managers. You never know who may have a great lead or know of an unadvertised opportunity. So reach out today.


About the Author

Denise R. Hemphill, PharmD, CCM, NCRW, CPRW, CIC, CCTC is the founder of Confident Career Moves®. She is an Executive Resume, CV, & Social Profile Writer designing dynamic self-marketing tools. As a pharmacist and career manager equipped with 5 prominent career industry certifications, she helps pharmacists nationwide reach their career goals. Connect on LinkedIn

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