2017 Pharmacist Career Resolutions

3 Pharmacist Career Resolutions to Consider

2017 is a year of change. Changes in our nation’s leadership, upcoming changes in healthcare policy, and the list goes on. It’s also a great year to make changes that will benefit you. This time of year, most people select New Year’s resolutions. So what changes do you desire to make in 2017?


As you make that list don’t forget about your pharmacist career. Our busy work schedules and lives make it easy to fall into a status quo mode.  I encourage pharmacists to focus on the following key areas when setting this year’s goals.



Ask yourself, “What things can I do now to better myself as a pharmacist?” If you don’t know, find out. Connect with colleagues, read articles and blogs about pharmacy trends, join pharmacy associations, attend a conference, or seek a certification.



Job status changes or new opportunities present themselves when we least expect it. Just today I was informed of a local health system laying off 1000 employees. Do you have a one-page resume that quickly markets your value as a pharmacy professional? Are you keeping your CV updated with all professional accomplishments and duties (to be tailored later based on future job searches)? Do you have a LinkedIn profile with a professionally appropriate photo, connections, skill endorsements, recommendations, and relevant job history? Or, do you have the necessary info collected in one place to get these tools started? If not,


“IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO START! Set aside a little time each week or month to work towards your pharmacy career goals.”



If you’ve followed the steps above of being proactive and prepared, then congratulations! On a basic level, you are better positioned for your next career move. There are definitely additional steps one might take. Such as carefully selecting the projects and endeavors that will eventually fill the pages of your CV or LinkedIn profile. However, sometimes, we don’t have a good handle on our career direction, especially if work in a new sector or career is desired. If you fall into this category, strategic action planning will be key. So get started and don’t delay.


About the Author

Denise R. Hemphill, PharmD, CCM, NCRW, CPRW, CIC, CCTC is the founder of Confident Career Moves®. She is an Executive Resume, CV, & Social Profile Writer designing dynamic self-marketing tools. As a pharmacist and career manager equipped with 6 prominent career industry certifications, she helps pharmacists nationwide reach their career goals. Connect on LinkedIn 

Are you seeking a transition into management? Another pharmacy practice area? Or even another career? Visit www.ConfidentCareerMoves.com/rx.